Gratis lydfiler som er verd å høre på


Gurus skrev:

Dette er noen spennende lydfiler. Budskapet er det samme som jeg tar til meg fra mange kilder - jeg trenger repitisjon på dette. Men denne type kilde var ny for meg, dette er talte kanaliseringer, fra en gruppe ikke-fysiske vesner som kaller seg Abraham. Det var Louise L. Hay som anbefalte denne i en av sine bøker.

Ja mens vi er inne på gratis lydfiler som er spennende, så er dette intervjuer med norske og danske alternativet tenkende eller behandlere. Spennede. Likte blant annet godt intervjuet med den norske healeren Reidar Risvold.


Gurus skrev:

Dette er utrag av det som sies i lydfilene i den første linken.
The Visdom of Abraham

You are the creator of your experience.

1- The law of attraction, the most powerful law in the universe. That which is like, is to itself drawn (- Likt tiltrekker likt). You are a magnet, attracting that what you are thinking and feeling.
2- The law of deliberate creation or The law of creation. It is working whether you are thinking of what you are wanting or whether you are thinking of what you are not wanting. Whether you are thinking of what you are wanting or whether you are thinking of the lack of what you are wanting. Create on purpose. The direction of your thought is your choice.
3- The law of allowing. I am that which I am, and I am pleased with it, joyful in it. And you are that you are, and while that is different perhaps from that which I am, it is also good. And because I am able to focus upon that which I want, even if there are those differences between us that are dramatic, I do not suffer a the negative emotion because I am wise enough not to focus upon that which brings me discomfort.
4- The law of segment intending: As you are understanding that you are the creator of your experience, then you are wanting more and more to identify what it is you are wanting so that you may allow it into your experience. Until you have stopped to identify what it is you are wanting there is not a possibility of deliberate creation. You are not wanting the same ting in all segments of your life experience, in fact in every day there are many segments that carry many different intentions. So the point of the segment intending recording is to help you to understand the value of stopping many times during your day to identify what it is you are most wanting so you an add emphasis and power onto that.


Gurus skrev:

Guidet meditasjon


Gurus skrev:

Meditasjon med didgeridoo